If you’re looking to level up your career, it’s worth considering the states with the highest percentages of women in top executive roles, as revealed by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. New Mexico, leading the pack with 46.1%, along with Vermont, Delaware, and Montana, boasting rates exceeding 40%, demonstrate the potential for female leadership in various sectors:

  1. New Mexico (46.1%)
  2. Vermont (44.3%)
  3. Delaware (42.4%)
  4. Montana (42.1%)
  5. Tennessee (38.7%)
  6. Maryland (37.9%)
  7. Maine (37.8%)
  8. South Dakota (37.5%)
  9. Oklahoma (37.0%)
  10. Mississippi (36.9%)

The data presents some heartening signs of progress. In 2021, women held 31.7% of high-level positions across various industries, marking a notable increase from the 27.1% recorded in 2015.

However, despite comprising 47.4% of the workforce, women currently occupy only 42.1% of managerial roles. The significant disparities among states regarding the percentages of women in top executive positions underscore the need to recognize and address regional variations.

It’s worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau’s methodology categorizes respondents strictly as either male or female, without accounting for nonbinary individuals in leadership roles.

In the pursuit of gender equality and inclusive leadership, acknowledging these trends and regional distinctions can offer valuable insights to individuals and policymakers alike, helping to foster equal opportunities for all.