Times Square Breastfeeding Ad Replaced, Sparking Outrage; Now Reinstated.

May 22, 2024

Swehl Ad in Times Square

Raven O'Neal


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A Times Square billboard featuring cookbook author Molly Baz promoting Swehl lactation cookies was removed, enraging women and mothers.

Yahoo Life originally shared this news by Kaitlin Reilly.

A Times Square billboard featuring cookbook author Molly Baz promoting Swehl lactation cookies was removed, enraging women and mothers. The ad, showing Baz with the cookies over her breasts and her pregnant belly exposed, sparked outrage for allegedly being pulled for content.

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A post shared by MOLLY BAZ (@mollybaz)

Brex, the company that helped secure the ad space, later clarified that the ad was never officially pulled but was “flagged for review.”

Mothers and women voiced their frustration, seeing the removal as systemic shame against women’s bodies. Baz expressed disappointment on social media, highlighting the double standard in Times Square ads.

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A post shared by MOLLY BAZ (@mollybaz)

Support poured in from public figures and commenters, condemning the perceived censorship.

This week, Seed, a probiotic company, used its ad space in Times Square to bring back the original Swehl ad, with supportive messages. Baz thanked Seed and the public for their support, emphasizing the need for ongoing conversations about body positivity and breastfeeding.

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A post shared by MOLLY BAZ (@mollybaz)

Head over to Yahoo Life to read the original post by Kaitlin Reilly.

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Fem-Led Post Ad Space Hold (300 x 600)
|May 22, 2024|Lifestyle| Off Comments off on Times Square Breastfeeding Ad Replaced, Sparking Outrage; Now Reinstated.|

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About the Author: Raven O'Neal

With over a decade dedicated to women-led startups, Raven is a seasoned entrepreneur, strategic luminary, and passionate advocate. She's nurtured 500+ women-led businesses, securing over $100M in funding through her blend of strategic counsel, marketing mastery, and resource facilitation.